The WBC Research Themes are the basis for all research the center develops.
Any project presented for funding consideration must be aligned with these research areas as starting point.
Each theme has sub-themes that research proposals presented by faculty can follow.
The WBC Research Themes are grouped into four major areas.
The Research Themes and subthemes are listed in the document below.
Theme Description
A. Improved Performance and Functionality
Successful research projects will address the fundamental study of product functionality, improved short or long-term performance, and evaluation methods. Projects focus on specific products or assembled systems.
B. Alternate Materials Technology
Successful research projects will address the use of non-traditional materials or combinations of materials to produce wood-based composites. The use of alternate technologies may establish the viability of alternate raw materials for improved product performance and/or lower costs. The outcomes of research for this theme will support individual member efforts to improve existing products, develop new products, or identify new markets.
C. Adhesive Technology
The research focused on adhesives and adhesion is a mainstay of the WBC research agenda. This research theme focuses on understanding the interaction between wood and adhesives as well as fundamental knowledge that can support member efforts to develop new and improved resins or products.
D. Impact of Process
Portions of the manufacturing process can adversely affect the wood quality and adhesive performance. The complexities of mechanical processing, moisture in wood, and pressing must be better understood to help manufacturers balance productivity and quality.